The Elements of Islay is a series of three whiskeys from Speciality Drinks Ltd. Beside the whiskey content from Ardbeg, Caol Ila, and Laphroaig it is the labels and bottles that make the series stand out.

村上在 如果我們的語言是威士忌 書中對islay 島 whisky 有栩栩如生的介紹 ....
有興趣可以翻翻..聽說suntory 也併了bowmore 蒸餾廠 in islay ,...
個人剛開始喝islay 倒是不太習慣泥煤煙燻味,曾與韓國人同喝真露時拿出bowmore 分享
只見他們一下肚臉色怪怪的 喝慣了 blended ..難怪..