
引用 作者: arty 查看文章

我的認知是,大鍵琴像是在切換開關一樣,不是用力多少就可以改變音色... (如果有錯請糾正)

以下節錄自 ( https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harpsichord ):
On a piano it is possible to play louder or quieter by playing the keys with more or less force. On a harpsichord the volume (playing louder or softer) cannot be controlled by the way it is played. However, some large harpsichords have several "stops", each one giving a different kind of sound.

所以有幾段的stop決定了大鍵琴僅有能改變音色的方式,這還不是所有大鍵琴都能做到的。撇開錄音, 場地或琴的差異,光只看演奏技巧來說,會有到數倍音色的表現差距嗎?