2011-12-05, 04:29 PM
Maple板拿來當墊板的聲音聲音真的很不錯, 不過前提是要夠厚的效果才好
我推薦這個, 有3吋厚
作者: kevintran
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Kent Lee For This Useful Post:
2011-12-05, 10:15 PM
2011-12-05, 10:28 PM
作者: 小葉
請問phasetech/phasemation 這個牌子台灣有人代理嗎?
看stereosound多年, 常看到phasetech P1G/P3G 的身影, 但國內好像很少人使用...
2011-12-06, 12:08 AM
作者: Kent Lee
The Following User Says Thank You to kevintran For This Useful Post:
2011-12-06, 12:24 AM
作者: kriss
請問phasetech/phasemation 這個牌子台灣有人代理嗎?
看stereosound多年, 常看到phasetech P1G/P3G 的身影, 但國內好像很少人使用...
2011-12-06, 01:59 AM
我也考慮過這個, 後來覺得 John Boos 是個老牌子, 選料製作都解釋得很清楚, 2.25 吋 應該是夠了.
作者: Kent Lee
2011-12-06, 02:11 AM
作者: kevintran
2011-12-07, 01:19 AM
Wave Kinetics NVS Direct-Drive Turntable and Isolation Stand with Durand Telos 12" Tonearm
NVS including Isolation Stand $45000
Telos $14500
The design incorporates a relatively compact footprint, though its weight is still quite substantial. The NVS is a computer-controlled direct-drive turntable, with a touch screen to control speeds (33.3 and 45 RPM) and start/stop, with a screw down clamp, and a thick multi-strata platter.
It's three adjustable pods support the mass of the unit, which in turn rests upon a remarkable Wave Kinetics isolation platform that is included with the turntable.
Due to the precision of the computer control module for the direct-drive motor, the turntable is extraordinarily linear in its speed control, and thus its pitch accuracy. Operation is completely silent.
The Durand Telos 12" tonearm is designed and executed by Joel Durand, it is a thing of beauty, a real work of art. Constructed of wood and custom machined brass and stainless steel and other cool stuff, the Telos takes to the NVS and synergizes as if they were born twins. And when you put the superb Ortofon A90 MC into the mix…well, the results are spectacular.
2011-12-07, 03:16 PM
好像很少真的看過家用的用這麼厚的菜板, 我家都是只要有奇怪東西出現, 都會自動被假設成是"音響用":^)
作者: kevintran
2011-12-07, 04:01 PM
窮人的 Finite Elemente
楓木砧板寄來了, 大小剛剛好
LP 12 也是楓木座, 蠻合的
唱頭換成 Linn 原廠未改的 Troika (0.15mv), Jeff Rowland Candence 阻抗調成 50 ohm, 74db gain
砧板跟 Target 之間暫時用 Audioquest Sorbothane 墊著.
窮人的 Finite Elemente
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