2008-07-15, 10:19 PM
有阿!! 送音樂門鈴:(
作者: 小葉
你家...應該也有送吧 :P
2008-07-15, 10:21 PM
作者: andychu
有阿!! 送音樂門鈴:(
2008-07-16, 08:17 PM
Press release for the 18th Annual TAA International Hi-End Hi-Fi Show 2008
A great audio feast
The show will be the biggest in its kind in Asia
The 18th Annual International Hi-End Hi-Fi Show 2008 will be held by the TAA from August 7 to Aug 10 at the Grand Hotel. Exhibitors will include many Taiwanese and globally renowned hi-end and hi-fi audio product manufacturers. The show will be the biggest in its kind in Asia in terms of the number of exhibitors. The show will occupy about 150 rooms in the Grand Hotel. It is estimated that the show will attract more than 10,000 visitors. The TAA hopes that, through the enchanting audio art, great musical sound and high quality sound, the show will show the power of music and sound, revitalize the mind and elevate stress. The show will be a must-see exhibition characterized with audio technology and audio art.
With easy accessibility, visitors will undergo a great experience of sounds and sights
To make it easier for visitors to move around in the exhibition, the entrance will be on the fourth floor so that visitors may start from the fourth floor and then go on to the third, second and first floors. The newest audio products made in the US, Europe and Japan as well as audio products that are made in Taiwan and have received international recognition will be exhibited. In addition, digital audio and video products, karaoke machines, related accessories, DIY sets, connecting wires, audio and video software and audio magazines will be on display. Moreover, complementary musical albums will be given away for free at the exit located on the first floor.
Fortune only favors those who take action. Act now!
Free shuttle buses between Yuan-shan Station of TRTS and the Grand Hotel will be provided from August 7 to Aug 10. Also, a drawing activity will be held to give out a stereo system worth NT$ 1 million and other audio products on each of the four days of the show. Anyone who purchases an admission ticket will be eligible to participate in the drawing activity. Lucky winners will be selected at 4:30 pm on each of the four days and a list bearing the names of winners will be proclaimed at the site of the exhibition. For the detail of the drawing activity, please log onto www.taiwanaudio.org.tw.
Period of the show: from August 7 to Aug 10 (four days)
Time: 10:00 am to 18:00 pm
Location: the Grand Hotel (No. 1, Section 4, Chung-shan North Road, Taipei City)
* Free shuttle buses between Chungshan Soccer Stadium (near Yuan-shan Station of the Dan-suei line of the TRTS) and the Grand Hotel will be provided from August 7 to Aug 10.
The show will be the biggest in its kind in Asia in terms of the number of exhibitors. Exhibitors will include more than 100 audio product manufacturers and the show will include about 150 rooms and booths.
Types of products that will be on display: Hi-end, hi-fi stereo products, multiple-track audio systems, digital video and audio devices (plasma TV, liquid crystal TV, projectors, etc.), karaoke machines, related accessories, DIY sets, connecting wires, audio and video software and audio magazines
Admission ticket: NT$ 300 (Anyone who purchases an admission ticket will be eligible to participate in the drawing activity)
A complementary musical album (“Selected Songs of International Hi-End Hi-Fi Show”) in the form of CD will be given to each person who purchases a ticket (on first come first serve basis)
* People with disability will be admitted for free.
* If you purchase an admission ticket at the website of ERA Ticket in advance, such ticket will only sell for NT$ 200.
* If you purchase an admission ticket at www.taiwanaudio.org.tw before August 4, such ticket will only sell for NT$ 200.
2008-07-16, 09:27 PM
方純在305號房展出美國Legacy FOCUS HD揚聲器、加拿大Bryston BCD-1唱盤、Bryston BP-26前級及14B SST後級,總價1,128,000元。全新改款HD系列揚聲器,新設計高音單體加上銀線編織的中高音,低音單體12吋兩支,新外型採用類似大理石烤漆處理。
2008-07-16, 09:44 PM
2008-07-18, 12:09 AM
今日在歐美音響舉行了一個小型記者會,主要是由TAA協會榮譽理事長劉紹文先生接受非凡電視台、經濟日報等媒體的訪問介紹High End的精神。劉榮譽理事長舉Avalon Isis為例,其使用的鑽石高音是使用鑽石磨成粉後所製成的,光一對的價格就要30幾萬,當市面上傳統的高音多只到20kHz時,鑽石高音的高頻可達120kHz,就算是陶瓷也只有到40kHz左右,除此之外,Isis的箱體也極為講究,運用7塊1"不同材質的板子壓塑而成,讓聲音的共振達到最低,全手工的製作,光箱體的部份就需要49天的時間才能完成,一對喇叭完工則需要3個月的時間,High End其實就是一種追求完美的精神。
2008-07-18, 12:22 AM
Furutech亦是High End的品牌焦點之一,富而達興業的葉俊男經理手上拿的正是最夯最新的碳纖維產品系列
2008-07-18, 12:25 AM
2008-07-18, 12:26 AM
2008-07-18, 12:54 AM
來自義大利的U-vola擁有出色的外型設計,這也是生活的一種High End
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