Audio Research GSi75 真空管擴大機 (內建DAC、唱放與耳擴)

Audio Research GSi75 規格

POWER OUTPUT: 75 watts per channel continuous from 20Hz to 20kHz. 1 kHz total harmonic distortion typically 1.5% at 75 watts, .05% at 1 watt.
POWER BANDWIDTH: (-3dB points) 12Hz to 70kHz.
FREQUENCY RESPONSE: (-3dB points at 1 watt) 1.0Hz to 70 kHz.
INPUT SENSITIVITY: 0.55V RMS Single-ended for rated output. (32.5dB gain into 8 ohms.)
INPUT IMPEDANCE: 52.5K ohms Single-ended.
INPUTS (5): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Single Ended RCA connectors).
MAXIMUM INPUT: 10V RMS (any input).
OUTPUT TAPS: 8 ohms, 4 ohms.
SLEW RATE: 10 volts/microsecond.
RISE TIME: 4 microseconds.
CONTROLS: Rotary volume (103 steps), Rotary input selector, Power, Mute, Bias. DIGITAL SAMPLE RATES: 44.1kHz to 192kHz, SPDIF and USB 2.0 HS, DSD USB 2.0 HS
MASTER OSCILLATOR: 22.579mHz ±20Hz for 44.1, 88.2 & 176.4kHz. 24.576mHz ±20Hz for 48, 96 & 192kHz sample rates.
TUBES REQUIRED: 2-Matched pair KT150-Power Output; 2 -6H30 driver.


About Leo Yeh

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身為發燒友已經將近30年,每天沉浸在High End音響的世界中,樂此不疲。